Christ Anglican Church

34 Bridge Avenue

Stellarton, NS

Pastoral Administrator: The Rev. Dr.  Joanne Neal


Clergy Corner

For more information contact Loretta Armsworthy or Deborah Beck

Our study on the movie Chosen is held at the Seniors Recreation Bldg on Leo Fahey Way on Tuesdays at 6 pm . We expect lively conversation following around 30 minutes of movie per week. We will have tea and coffee and perhaps a cookie or two. This is a weekly event to be held at the same time each week . Bring a friend. Or even better bring a stranger.

Loretta Armsworthy wants to remind everyone of the following:

1.    A group is putting together Prayer shawls and lap blankets for palliative care.

2.    She is looking for donations of yarn

3.    The pillow case ministry is looking for donations of material printed in a butterfly pattern.

For information on any of the above, please contact Loretta Armsworthy:

ACPC Office Civic Address: 8 Denoon St., Pictou

Mail: P.O. Box 490 Pictou, N.S. B0K 1H0

Office Manager: Susan Hislop

Summer Office Hours **– The office hours are reduced to Wed &

Thurs from 9am – 12. 

Regular office hours will resume Sept 4.

ACPC Office Phone: 902-485-9322 Hrs: M-W 9-1,Th 10-1


Photographs from Christ Church’s 171st Anniversary Hymn Sing held on October 23, 2022

Many thanks to the Anglican Foundation of Canada for their generous grant that helped us install a new roof on our church.

Christ Church Annual. General Meeting:  February 9, 2025 following the Service

SafR Church and Vector Training: Rev Joanne is  suggesting that we do an information session on these 2 important diocesan initiatives on Saturday, February 1 from 1-3pm. If we do this at Christ Church, we can make use of the big screen TV to share a PowerPoint with important information. People may wish to complete the "tests" that the diocese requires at the end of the session if they bring their own device. But I do want to use the time to talk about why these are so important and our deadlines for folks to get accredited. It is important that we do this before all of the AGMs if possible. I am also hoping to create a new ministry of Pastoral Care Coordinator in each church, and this would dovetail nicely with this training.